The Bihar government has launched the Anganwadi Labharthi Yojana, a special program aimed at supporting pregnant women and young children in the state. This scheme provides food and essential items to children aged 0 to 6 years. There’s also a separate initiative offering monetary assistance to pregnant women in exchange for meals, helping them better care for themselves and their children.
To access the benefits of the Bihar Anganwadi Labharthi Yojana 2024, women must be associated with Anganwadi centers. This association allows them to take advantage of the scheme’s offerings. This article provides comprehensive information on how to apply online for the Anganwadi Labharthi Yojana, enabling women to easily access and benefit from this assistance program.
What is the Anganwadi Labharthi Yojana 2024 ?
The Bihar government has established the Anganwadi Labharthi Yojana, a program designed to support pregnant women and children up to 6 years old. This initiative provides food and dry goods to eligible beneficiaries. As part of the scheme, the government offers a monthly payment of ₹2500 to qualified individuals. This financial assistance is intended to help women properly care for their children.
Who is Eligible for the Anganwadi Labharthi Yojana 2024 ?
Under the Anganwadi Labharthi Yojana 2024, the government has set certain eligibility criteria. These criteria are as follows :
- Applicants must be residents of Bihar.
- They should be associated with Anganwadi centers to access the scheme’s benefits.
- Children aged 0 to 6 years who are registered with Anganwadi centers are eligible.
- Pregnant women are also eligible, ensuring support for both expectant mothers and their infants.
Documents Required
To avail the benefits of the Anganwadi Labharthi Yojana 2024, you need to apply online. For this application, you will need several essential documents, including :
- Aadhaar card
- Voter ID card (either parent’s)
- Domicile certificate
- Bank account details
- Registered mobile number
- Child’s birth certificate
- Photograph, etc.
Benefits of the Anganwadi Labharthi Yojana 2024
Anganwadi Labharthi Yojana 2024 provides several benefits to eligible individuals :
Continuity of Benefits : Pregnant women and children who previously received cooked meals and dry rations from Anganwadi centers will continue to receive these benefits under the new scheme.
Direct Bank Transfers : The Anganwadi Labharthi Yojana 2024 introduces a change in benefit distribution. Instead of providing meals and rations through Anganwadi centers, a fixed amount (usually around ₹2500) is now directly deposited into the bank accounts of registered beneficiaries. This change gives beneficiaries more control over fund utilization and streamlines the process.
Online Application : Interested beneficiaries from across the country can apply for this scheme online through a designated platform.
COVID-19 Response : In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Department of Social Welfare and Integrated Child Development Services issued an official notice on March 30, 2020. This notice outlined the following changes:
- Assistance for food and dry rations will be provided to children aged 0 to 6 years and pregnant women.
- An online form will be used to manage the provision of hot cooked food through Anganwadi centers.
- Instead of Take-Home Rations (THR), an equivalent amount will be directly transferred to beneficiaries’ bank accounts.
How to Apply for Anganwadi Labharthi Yojana 2024 ?
- Access the official website of Bihar government’s Social Welfare Department Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS).
- On the homepage, find and click the “Online Registration for Registered Beneficiaries in Anganwadi” link.
- You’ll be directed to a form-filling page.
- Complete the form with required information such as district, block, Anganwadi, your name, husband’s name, etc.
- After entering all necessary details, click the “Register” button.
- Upon successful registration, you’ll see an option to log in.
- Click the provided “Login” link and enter your Aadhaar number, mobile number, and password.
- After logging in, you’ll be registered as a scheme beneficiary.
- You can now access the benefits offered by this scheme.